Christians are routinely mocked by skeptics and ideological opponents as being “anti-science,” whether it’s for believing in God and the miracles described in the Bible, or especially for believing in the flood and a created, younger earth (for those who do).

Meanwhile, it’s often the same two groups who find themselves at odds on the issue of abortion. In this case, though, there’s no room for debate. The pro-life cause has all the science on our side. Take a look at a few of these arguments offered by abortion advocates and see how they hold up.

“It’s just a clump of cells.” Even without technology this argument would fail the test of logic, as it makes no sense that a baby would be some undefined blob of matter for months before somehow forming into a baby at some point before birth. However, with the ability to view the inside of the womb we know for certain that the body’s development is well underway for aborted babies, with a head (including facial features), a torso, and limbs becoming defined by the middle of the first trimester – hardly a clump of cells. Clinics like Planned Parenthood know this, of course, because after abortion operations they have to piece together the body parts they suck out of the womb. Yet they are perfectly comfortable letting the anti-science “clump of cells” myth be perpetuated.

It isn’t a human life until birth (or, until the mother decides she wants to keep the baby). Human life begins at conception. That’s what science tells us. From that moment a genetically unique human being begins its growth pattern that will, if properly nurtured, end in a fully grown human adult. Any other starting point for where life begins – a heartbeat, brain function, birth, or otherwise – is totally arbitrary and unscientific. The idea that a child magically goes from being non-human to human in the brief time it takes to pass through the birth canal or be taken by c-section is absurd. Yet they’ve somehow gone beyond that to now have people saying that after the baby’s birth, the mother and her doctor can have a “discussion” about keeping the baby alive. If that’s a human life, then letting it die is murder. The implication, then, is that the baby isn’t a human life worthy of life-saving measures and care unless the mother decides it is. Show me where you would find that reasoning in a biology textbook.

My body, my choice. You can call this science, math, logic, or whatever you want… but it’s an established fact that there are two bodies involved in an abortion. They acknowledge this truth when a mother wants to keep the baby by advising her not to drink alcohol, smoke, or do drugs during the pregnancy. They know “my body, my choice” fails on those grounds. Why doesn’t that extend to abortion?

It’s about women’s health. No, it’s not. Aside from the obvious fact that abortion has ended tens of millions of female lives in the United States, it’s not uncommon for abortion to take a physical and mental toll on the mother. Check out the list compiled by on all of the complications and aftereffects an abortion can have on a woman.

Abortion’s cause stands on a foundation of myths, lies, and faulty science. For the people who pride themselves on “believing in science” and mock Christians for being anti-science, abortion advocates need to take a good look in the mirror. The hypocrisy continues when they criticize ableism (discrimination in favor of able-bodied people) while letting abortion kill 2/3 of unborn Americans diagnosed with down syndrome in the womb. They speak out against racism while abortion ends over 1,800 black lives every single day. The abortion lobby wraps itself in hypocrisy and dishonesty on all sides.

Why are they so content to carry on by hiding the truth or blatantly lying about it? Because it’s not about the truth. They don’t truly believe the arguments they make. Some of them have shown their hand by the recent advocacy for after-birth abortion. If they can hold a living, breathing, crying baby in their arms and still think it can be killed, they prove that all these arguments aren’t genuine and don’t come from good faith. They’re just an obstacle course to keep us occupied while thinking these folks are honestly engaging in the debate.

That’s where they’ve miscalculated, though. As time goes by, we’re consistently gaining ground in the war for information. While they’ve obfuscated the truth, we’ve continually gained more and more understanding and honed our arguments. Technology is allowing us to spread the word about what abortion truly is. They can’t stay in the dark for long, and as people discover what abortion is and see all the lies that prop it up, abortion’s outlook in this country looks dimmer and dimmer.

It’s not hard to see that there are evil, dishonest people backing abortion at the highest levels. But not everyone who supports abortion is evil – some are just misinformed.

If you support abortion but haven’t taken the time to look into what an abortion is, or the science of life in the womb, please understand that a concerted, decades-long effort has been made to keep you in the dark. Take the time to learn what an abortion is on Watch a movie like Gosnell or Unplanned. You may be shocked to see what you find.

If you’re someone who has had an abortion and have come to realize what it truly is, I hope you’ll understand that there is forgiveness, grace, and love at the cross of Jesus Christ. He cleanses us of the wrongs we’ve done and remembers them no more, taking our guilt away and giving us rest in Him.